Jurassic Park Reflections


  1. Find three shots you are proud of and match the clip well.


The first shot is the shot in which the girl is violently shaking the glass as she sees the dinosaur’s shadow from behind. This shot is one of the best shots out of the whole clip, simply because we used a slider to firstly, display the girl’s facial expressions before it matches-on-action, of the glass being violently shaken. It’s a nice shot as it effectively displays everything that happens from the time she sees the dinosaur, to her rapid movements - all in sequence, therefore it’s natural. 

The second shot is the shot in which the dinosaur is looking into the small window to see the children. This shot was effective as it is almost a perfect replica of the original. The shot displays the eye and the bright light shining on it (through the bottle being sprayed on the glass). This shot matches the clip quite well.

The last shot I am proud of is the shot where the young boy turns around to witness the dinosaur’s shadow enclosing on him. The shot was done very well as we focused the camera on the dinosaur’s movements after first showing the boy’s expressions (cuts to the dinosaur). The prop of the dinosaur plushie was really good as it was again, a great replica of the original. 

  1. Pick at least one shot you think could have been improved and explain why?


  • The shot in which the dinosaur is looking inside the kitchen and the shot required a push-in camera technique and unfortunately, we were unable to do a push-in camera technique. 


  • The push-in shot would’ve built suspense as the dinosaur came closer but the shot is just a standstill with no camera movement. 

  • Another shot that could’ve been improved is the shot in which the children are running and quickly sit down behind the counter. This shot was good in the first few seconds but fell behind and was lacking stabilisation and effective camera movement. At the very end of the shot, the camera ‘jerked’ or was adjusted upwards, whilst on the slider, to show the facial expressions and body language of the children but it didn’t come out right. 


  1. What part of the clip are you most proud of and why?
  • The part where the dinosaur’s shadow is shown, because it precisely follows the dinosaur’s movements and we used a projector with a dinosaur plushie to film the background, which perfectly replicated the original clip. 



  1. What was the most difficult part to film and why? How did you overcome the difficulties?
  • The most difficult part to film was probably the scene where the camera was set on a slider and we had to film the kitchen scene. The slider was incredibly heavy and it was hard to film whilst managing the weight of the slider and the camera on the slider. At some points the slider tilted down accidentally. We had to move the camera angle at the very end of the shot and it required 2 people to do it, with one holding the slider and tripod down whilst the other tilted the camera. Luckily, we filmed this shot within a few seconds and redid it 2 times, with the second being the best shot. We also used stabilisation for the part where the camera was adjusted to make the clip smoother and not make it seem like a jump-cut. 


  1. Did you learn anything new from the process?


  • How to use a slider 
  • How to build suspense and tension using a slider


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