Font Research

 Font research 

For my fonts, I've decided on making my title font to be something that's prestigious and stands out with a bold, bright colour. I've decided to settle on making my fonts throughout my film to be either complete black or dark purple. 

For my main title, I've used the in order to make a very bold and bright title. This is one of the font types I may use, and it's derived from a music cover/title art.

I intend on making my title font to be traditional and prestigious, as it'll directly reflect my tailor, with their higher status and wealth. 

I will try to make the title look sharp, or as though a needle has neatly sliced through the corner of it, as shown in the You font. The TV series, You, also features a similar narrative to that of my own film, as the main character is a lust-filled serial killer who ends up killing those he loves, and he has an alias.

As for the rest of the fonts throughout the film, I may use a clear, swift font such as Avenir Next or Helvetica Neue.

I intend on making my title a dark purple colour, to connote the idea of blood after death. The dark purple colour happens to be the colour blood is after there’s no more oxygen flowing through it, and so, I wanted to make my title this darkish purple to reiterate this idea, i.e., when the serial killer kills the victims. 

Other possible titles:


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