Pure Cinema - Hitchcock Video: PURE CINEMA: Through the Eyes of Hitchcock (25 min) Directed by Gary Leva from Gary Leva on Vimeo . Pure cinema: Pure cinema — using strictly visual means, not dialogue, to get across the emotional impact, the feeling of a shot or sequence. Donald Spoto, Hitchcock Biographer Pure cinema is what we see/hear and finding a way to express that without describing it, literally. Randy thorn. Pure cinema is communicating through pictures; give the audience something only movies can give you - get words from radio and books, music from records, cd’s and orchestra’s, able to get these somewhere else but only the movies can give you moving pictures. David steritt A chase sequence is pure cinema, you can’t do a chase in a novel, can’t do it in a painting or a stage. That’s pure cinema. William friedkin It goes behind storytelling, it goes into the creation of atmospheres, and moments that are unique to cinema. One of those moments can be Jamey ...